Labels:book | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: that were successful parties in National Labor Relations Board hearings seek king to intervene in the appeals broughi by the losing parties, because the technical defendant in those proceedings was the Board, not the unions. 177 Izumi interest 11 the Florida litigation does Dot approximate that of the petitioners 1n Banks Hunter or Scofeld The parties permitted intervene in cases by aiso had significantly more substantial interests. For example Izumi relies on Triax Co TRW Inc. 724 F 2d 1224 (6th Cir. 1984} but that case demonstrates the relative insignificance Izumi's all interest here 1 Triax inter venor was patent holder who had assigned his rights under patent while maintaining rights of reversion. 1226 The assigne: pens ar infringer the patent was held invalid and the assignee then ch ...